
Last year when Claire was in catechism on Wednesday nights, I used that time to go grocery shopping to free up the weekend.  It took some getting used to but eventually we ironed that out and all was well.

With this new advent of picking up your groceries and not getting out of your car, we’ve had to make some more adjustments.  In order to be guaranteed the date and time you want you need to submit your order a couple of days early.  This might narrow as Broger gets better at this, but as it stands today this presents a bit of a mental challenge.

On Wednesday, I need to think about what we will need starting on Sunday, considering all of the dinner ideas for the week from Sunday through the Thursday, potentially including the Sunday of the following week depending on when I want to pick up the order.  Could I simplify this?  I have no idea because we’re new at this. Probably though.

So hopefully what I just ordered tonight will be enough to get us through a week from Sunday, not counting that a week from today I will need to submit the order for the following week.

Yeah, I have no idea what I ordered.

2 thoughts on “Complicated

  1. Well, I may help to keep a list of what you ordered and a running list of what you need. I would miss walking up and down the aisles trying to figure out what I need. Sometimes I have to actually see the item and then I remember I needed it. I think you will get a routine going before long and it will become second nature.

  2. Ignore typos. I had the font too small and can’t see what I typed. Should say – Well, it may help…….not I may help.

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